A Transplant Journey

RECYCLED PARTS: one family's journey with heart transplantation

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Here's The Champ at the HeartLinks Christmas Party
HeartLinks is the Toronto General Hospital [TGH].  Heart Transplant Support Group.  They host an annual Christmas party.  This year's party was at TGH & was very inspirational.  HeartLinks is responsible for hosting such events, hosting speakers & helping raise funds to support the group and to support the fundraising goals of Dr. Heather Ross.

My parents, John & Mary, Michael & I attended the party.  We had a chance to mingle & catch up with familiar faces & meet new ones!  At six weeks post-transplant, Michael was not the most recent heart transplant.  Michael received his heart on October 27th whereas the newest newby had received his heart on November 1!  The party was very motivating, emotional, & inpsiring!  Our dad rang in as the third longest transplant who was in attendance at the party.  He feel behind two others, one at eighteen years & another at seventeen years.  Seeing a room over healthy, successful heart transplant patients was just what the doctor ordered!

Isn't this a lovely bunch?  With the exception of Dr. Rao, each
one of these gorgeous faces
has received a donor heart.  The three ladies on the bottom left
each have LVAD's [mechanical hearts] and are waiting for
their transplants.

Michael with one of his doctors & nurse practioners. 
They couldn't believe how much colour he had in his face & how awake he was : )

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