A Transplant Journey

RECYCLED PARTS: one family's journey with heart transplantation

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Heart Grown using Stem Cells

The article below is worth reading.  In a nut shell, scientists have grown a human heart using adult stem cells.  The potential impact of this advancement is huge.  Imagine you're body NOT rejecting your donor heart because it was made specifically for you?  Incredible!

This video is from the University of Minnesota regarding this research that started a few years ago...

April 4, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Researchers at the University of Minnesota used adult stem cells to create a living human heart that they hope will revolutionize transplants.

The breakthrough, said lead researcher Dr. Doris Taylor, could ultimately mean that “donated” hearts are no longer used in transplant operations, circumventing the ethical problems involved in organ donation and obviating the need for drugs to combat immune system rejection.  Dr. Taylor, director of the university’s Center for Cardiovascular Repair, is one of the world’s leaders in heart organ repair and regeneration and has said it is her goal to create a living heart that can be transplanted into a patient, entirely out of stem cells.  She presented her team’s findings at the American College of Cardiology’s annual conference in New Orleans.

“The hearts are growing, and we hope they will show signs of beating within the next weeks,” she told the Daily Mail. “There are many hurdles to overcome to generate a fully functioning heart, but my prediction is that it may one day be possible to grow entire organs for transplant.”

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